Hackberry - Health and safety policy

Hackberry (Scotter) Limitedd
Health and safety policy
1. Statement of general policy
This is the statement of general policy and arrangements for: Hackberry
The company is committed to:
Provide a safe place of work
Provide safe systems of work
Provide training, instruction and supervision
Provide and maintain safe equipment
Assess the risks to anyone who might be affected by carrying out work activities
Ensure materials and substances are safely stored, handled and transported
Work to prevent accidents
2. Responsibilities
S Trevethan has overall and final responsibility for health and safety.
All Hackberry staff have day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice.
All staff must provide adequate supervision to ensure the safe systems of work are being followed.
Employees have a responsibility to take care of the health and safety of themselves and those students around them, to follow safe systems of work and report any concerns to Mrs S Trevethan
3. Arrangements
3.1 Training
All staff, students and volunteers will be given a health and safety induction and provided with appropriate training.
Staff are responsible for identifying training needs.
Hackberry is responsible for keeping a record of all training.
3.2 Carrying out risk assessments
A risk assessments must be completed whenever there is a possibility that a hazard or danger might be encountered during a Hackberry activity. A list of risk assessments and pro formas are stored at Hackberry and are reviewed annually.
3.3 First aid
Adequate first aid provisions will be available. All first aid incidents will be recorded.
Samantha Trevethan and Catherine Freer to be renewed in April 2020
The first aid kit will be kept in a prominent position and this will be included in staff and student’s induction.
Student’s medication will be in a locked cabinet accessible by staff.
3.4 Welfare facilities
Staff will ensure there are adequate welfare facilities on all sites.
Any member of staff finding a defect in the building, furniture or equipment will take steps to remove the hazard or ensure that the risk is minimised and report the details immediately to Mrs S Trevethan
3.5 Accident reporting
All employees will report accidents to Mrs S Trevethan responsible for investigating accidents to prevent recurrence and ensure safe work practices are being carried out.
All accidents will be recorded in the accident book which is kept by Mrs S Trevethan.
3.6 Emergency procedures
Staff are responsible for carrying out fire risk assessments.
Escape routes will be well signed and kept clear at all times. Evacuation plans will be tested periodically and updated as necessary.
Fire evacuation procedures will be practised regularly, staff and student’s informed of the procedures at induction.
Contractors and visitors
All contractors and visitors entering the premises are required to sign in and wear a visitors’ badge. They are alerted to important health and safety information.
In the event of an abusive parent/adult
Make sure any meeting with any adult whom you suspect may turn abusive is conducted in a room that can easily be monitored and with members of staff within easy reach. It may be appropriate to request that an additional member of staff meets with the parent depending upon circumstances.
Should a parent/ adult become abusive they should be asked to leave the premises in a calm and non-threatening way. It might be appropriate for a member of staff to alert the police should the adult refuse to leave or if their behaviour is causing concern in any way.
If any incident has occurred an incident form should be completed.
In the event of it being suspected that a pupil is carrying a weapon
As a general rule, the police should be called to deal with any incident believed to involve a weapon. There may be exceptions where the circumstances appear to be wholly innocent and the matter can be dealt with on a disciplinary basis. If in any doubt, call the police.
In exceptional circumstances staff may decide that they need to take action before the police arrive. Where possible, staff should not confront a pupil in the presence of other pupils. Preferably two or more members of staff should divert the pupil or person to a place where no other pupils are present.
Staff should always complete a signing out record if leaving the premises. Please see Lone working policy.
Hazardous materials will be stored in a locked cabinet only accessible by staff.
This health and safety policy was written by: S Trevethan
Position: Director
Date: 28/9/19

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